
Average score 111 Reviews
Aline Darky noted on Google

En un mot... DÉLICIEUX! 😃😁 Je viens de découvrir ce restaurant, et en en moins de 2 semaines j'ai déjà passé 3 commandes. Je sais que pour certains ce n'est rien, mais pour moi c'est déjà mal! Et j'ai bien l'intention de "goûter toute la carte" 😋😋😋 (Translated by Google) In a word... DELICIOUS! 😃😁 I just discovered this restaurant, and in less than 2 weeks I have already placed 3 orders. I know for some it's nothing, but for me it's bad enough! And I intend to "taste the whole menu" 😋😋😋

2 years ago
BIBIMBAP noted on Google

Poisson frais , tres bon ! (Translated by Google) Fresh fish, very good!

2 years ago
Intel Intel noted on Google

2 years ago
Fabienne Pagès noted on Google

2 years ago
Jwuanito Delcogno noted on Google

Très bon restaurant, on se régale et les prix sont corrects (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant, we enjoy it and the prices are correct

2 years ago
Odile Mazilu noted on Google

2 years ago
Chloé Holenka noted on Google

2 years ago
U gouna noted on Google

2 years ago
Minot Charlotte noted on Google

2 years ago
Gwendoline Ggn noted on Google

Bien contente qu'ils aient rouvert ! Sushis, makis printemps, brochettes fromage, salade et soupe : tout est très bien et les prix restent raisonnables ! Toujours avec le sourire en plus ! (Translated by Google) Glad they've reopened! Sushi, spring maki, cheese skewers, salad and soup: everything is very good and the prices remain reasonable! Always with a smile!

2 years ago

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