
Average score 100 Reviews
Ilyan Tab noted on Google

Très bon restaurant, des plats de bonne qualité. Je recommande. (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant, good quality food. I recommend.

1 year ago
Julien Dong noted on Google

Doux (Translated by Google) Soft

1 year ago
Jeremy Wang noted on Google

top je recommande les boulettes de poulet et l'anguille, jeune serveur sur place serviable et accueillant (Translated by Google) top I recommend the chicken meatballs and the eel, young server on site helpful and welcoming

1 year ago
Claire Belma noted on Google

Très bon restaurant japonnais ,les formules proposer son intéressante mais je regrette le temps ou l'on pouvait choisir nous meme la composition du menu en ligne. (Translated by Google) Very good Japanese restaurant, the formulas offer its interesting but I regret the time when we could choose ourselves the composition of the menu online.

2 years ago
meriem Mezok noted on Google

La livraison était rapide. Les plats arrivés en bon état. C'était bien préparé et bon. (Translated by Google) The delivery was fast. The dishes arrived in good condition. It was well prepared and good.

2 years ago
Samba M'BOH noted on Google

Excellent ! Livraisons rapide, le goût y est et même pour les brochettes boulettes de poulet souvent secs ailleurs. (Translated by Google) Excellent ! Fast deliveries, the taste is there and even for the often dry chicken meatball skewers elsewhere.

2 years ago
Alissia bourgeois noted on Google

2 years ago
Jean François noted on Google

Poisson frais, portion généreuse (Translated by Google) Fresh fish, generous portion

2 years ago
Blop noted on Google

Restaurant japonais ouvert il n'y a pas longtemps, serveur agréable super sympa. Je recommande les brochettes, surtout les boulettes de poulet elles sont super bonne ! (Translated by Google) Japanese restaurant opened not long ago, super friendly pleasant waiter. I recommend the skewers, especially the chicken meatballs they are super good!

2 years ago
Aline Darky noted on Google

En un mot... DÉLICIEUX! 😃😁 Je viens de découvrir ce restaurant, et en en moins de 2 semaines j'ai déjà passé 3 commandes. Je sais que pour certains ce n'est rien, mais pour moi c'est déjà mal! Et j'ai bien l'intention de "goûter toute la carte" 😋😋😋 (Translated by Google) In a word... DELICIOUS! 😃😁 I just discovered this restaurant, and in less than 2 weeks I have already placed 3 orders. I know for some it's nothing, but for me it's bad enough! And I intend to "taste the whole menu" 😋😋😋

2 years ago

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